

Analysis Methods pre-disclosure 

Metagenomics analysis report on vaccine samples

Final Technical Report 

Molecular profile analysis of vaccines


Pro-choice Organizations in the therapeutic field Data Base

Dear Friends,

in 2014, GHSA named Italy as the world's leader in vaccination strategies and policies, it has been over a year that we have been fighting to reassert our basic human rights.

We think it is important to join our efforts in a network for the exchange of information.

Our investigation has a threefold target:

1- From a scientific standpoint, we have conducted only some of the planned specific analysis, used a methodology that significantly reduces the implementation costs, and not only do we want to share this system but we also want to see it spread.

Below are the first links to our articles, reports and methods for everybody to use and publish on their own networks, as we believe what has been and will be achieved is a common good to be shared and spread.

2- From a legislative standpoint, we believe in reinforcing core principles like that of Informed Consent. What we mean is to cooperate by comparing its application and implementation in diverse countries in order to carry out common strategies. Until then, could you please send us the progress made in your country and the latest updates as an additional element to legal actions we could take in Italy.

3- As far as the concept of Transparency and the conflicts of interest exhibited by the pharmaceutical companies are concerned, from the perspective of prevention and the fight against corruption, transparency is one of the principles that regulate relationships between public and private interests.

So far in the field of healthcare, Denmark, France, Australia, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands have ruled that any medical professionals receiving income from the pharmaceutical industry have to make it public by law. Presently, with regard to it, Italy is discussing the bill 491 (

In contrast to what international press claim, our new Government Lega/M5S which had been previously strongly opposing vaccination mandate for children age 0-16 introduced by law 119/17, is presently discussing an even more coercive bill 770 ( which would inhibit school access for children and young people in case of deviation from coverage target, not only to nurseries and kindergartens (as already regulated by law 119 ( but also to primary and secondary school. Every six-months a survey would take place on vaccination coverage , at local levels, to eventually suspend school access until the target has been achieved.

If there are any other issues or subjects that need our attention or are worth sharing please feel free to add your precious input!

We consider it to be fundamental to reassert our right to conscious and non-compulsory health choices.

After all, isn't this a terrific time we live in?! In a global era, we need to act globally joining efforts to have our one voice heard...

Please note that if you are not interested in receiving further news you can just reply to that effect.

Many Thanks for your cooperation

Staff Corvelva and Cliva — Italy © John Fletcher 2012